Well it’s nice to see there is such a strong following of Capri’s in Perth!! I think I can speak on behalf of everyone and say that the second Perth Capri Cruise was an even greater success than the first.
There was a strong turn out with 15 Capris in total – the great thing was to see that there were many familiar faces and cars but a good portion of new cars as well.
The day started at 10am at the Caltex petrol station on Toodyay Road, Volker and I arrived first followed by Kevin, and soon enough there was a throng of Capris rolling in. I think the owner of the petrol station was starting to regret not having Leaded petrol anymore! However his eyes soon lit up when he heard the thunder of Darryl’s Perana come rolling in (straight to the petrol pump though, I might add), Ahh the joys of the 4cyl car. It was also great to catch up with Bernie and the rest of the lads from his Cortina club, they arrived at the station at about 10.15am – at this time there were close to 30 retro Fords in the one place – A sight certainly to behold!
We pulled out from the station at around 10.30 and HIT THE ROAD!! – It was a great route (chosen this time by Volker) and a very special thanks should go to him for the effort he again put in to help organise this cruise. He also acted as the lead car to make sure no-one missed any turn offs by waiting at each corner, even Kevin didn’t get lost this time!
O’Brien’s road is a great winding road with lots of tight curves and open straights enough to keep all drivers happy; the scenery is also very pleasant! Our first stop was at Peter Brock’s memorial. By this stage, the temperature was almost 32 degrees – but luckily no ones car was over heating!
We all pulled in and took more photos and chatted – you guessed it…….Capris for a while. After spending half an hour talking we all drove off to satisfy our hunger at the designated BBQ area “Noble Falls”.
I drove at the back of the pack for this leg of the cruise and it was quite a sight to see all 15 Capri’s driving in a line over the hills and around the tight corners. I might also add, that there was a cheeky MK1 Escort Mexico which turned up – but we let it cruise with us as when it grows up it wants to be a Capri as well!!
Once we arrived at Noble Falls I think we destroyed the peaceful tranquillity of the place, the burble of a dozen V6’s was enough to scare a few people away, however once all the cars were parked next to each other, curiosity took hold and a few bystanders started walking up to and around the cars. Before you knew it, bonnets were up and it was quite a sight to see. Kindly once again Volker supplied plenty of tasty sausages and buns and we soon had the BBQ fired up and smelling of cooked onions.
We have had lots of positive feed back from this cruise, and welcome any more. If you have any ideas for our next cruise please e-mail me and let me know, it makes organising these events a whole lot easier and more pleasurable for everyone if I can get a better idea of what you would like to do.
By the end of the day the heat still hadn’t claimed any Capris!
Oh and just to plant a seed…. check out http://www.geocities.com/capriciation2009/ , the Capri is celebrating 40 years next year – there is a big event happening over East – maybe some of you will be interested in going! Or why don’t we just join in on the celebrations here in WA?
A suggestion has been to make the All Ford Day next year a big event for us………so bear that in mind.
I have posted a few photos below from the cruise. Also don’t forget if your car does not yet feature in the members photo gallery please send me a photo and details of your Capri.
All the best,
Paul and Volker

Peter Brock's memorial
On route to Noble Falls
Noble Falls Picnic Area
15 Capris in a row

Hi all,
Hopefully everyone has been plucking away at their Capris over these past few cold wet months, as the next Perth Capri Cruise has been organised and is fast approaching!!
This route has been kindly organised by Volker.
I am pleased to say I have had lots of interest and visits to the blog and if all goes well we should have a few more numbers at this cruise, who knows, we may even reach the 20 mark!!
This route will take us into the Gidgegannup region along the infamous O'Brien Road - for those who don't know, this is where Peter Brock was killed in a car crash during the Targa West Rally in 2006. The route has some great scenery with some great twists and bends throughout, it also border's the Walyunga National Park.
This time around we have decided to make the meeting point closer to where the real cruise actually starts, in other words we won’t all get split up by fighting traffic and traffic lights through the suburbs and city - I think the meeting point on the map is pretty self explanatory, but if you're unsure drop me a line.
Our destination is the Noble Falls picnic area, this is a large area with BBQ facilities, walk trails and not to mention the waterfall close by. Another change this time round is everyone should bring their own food - so bring a few snags, drinks, and some salad and then kick back for a while and let’s talk Capris.
Just to give you a broad idea - the round trip from the city to our destination and back is approximately 120km.
So get polishing and fixing and make sure your Capri is ready to drive on Sunday 19/10/08.
Paul and Volker
PS: I will be away from the 1st- 17th October so will be unable to check my email until my return.