Hi folks,
The management of the Fremantle Motor Museum have asked us to publicise the closing of the museum. Sadly they have not been able to negotiate a successful outcome to their venue problem, and one of the land's finest, award-winning car museums is to shut.
Sunday, April 20th will be the last day the museum will be open, so management has decided to offer everyone who goes along with a classic car, free entry to the museum on the last day.
It should be quite a sight, and provide a fitting farewell for a sad closure.
Hope to see you there.
Paul Blank
Automotive Events Management
Here are the details so far....
Where: Rugby Oval Carpark, Manning Road, Manning
When: Sunday, 20th April 2008
At: 10.00am (depart for Fremantle at 10.15am)
Destination: Fremantle Motor Museum, B Shed Victoria Quay
Suggested route: Canning Highway

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